
Tour Nesko 2025
The 61st edition of Nesko will take place in April of 2024. This year, the Nesko will play a commissioned piece from Thomas van Dun, the violinconcerto by Beethoven and Tchaikovsky’s Suite No. 1. The violin concerto will by performed by SongHa, and Frans-Aert Burghgraef will be Nesko’s conductor!
Nesko’s theme for this year is ‘schildert in klank’ which roughly translates to ‘Nesko paints in sound’!

Thomas van Dun



L. von Beethoven

Violin concerto in D major


P. I. Tchaikovsky

Suite no. 1 



Frans-Aert Burghgraef







©Veerlebas Photography
Pim Cuijpers



Sasha Witteveen

Xavier van de Poll

Lunch concerts
During the tour, in addition to the regular evening concerts, lunch concerts are also given by the members of the Nesko in smaller chamber music ensembles.
During the rehearsal week, ensembles are formed that will give lunch concerts during the tour for groups of people that are less likely to come into contact with classical music. These concerts are given, for example, in a penitentiary institution, a primary school with special education and a psychiatric institution. Would you like the orchestra members of the Nesko to visit your organization to give a lunch concert? Please contact our orchestra chief at!